Biblical Educational CounselingTM
Before called a pastor and
teacher by God, Wayne Kim was a Jewish Educational
Counselor working with another
doctor Steve Greenspan. Personal counseling was given to a college student, a
graduate school student, and a high school student at a customary reasonable fee. Those were
able to have success in sight of the World but some of them were not using
their knowledge for godly purposes, appearing to build the tower of Babel.
Since Ivy tower without God is
futile in sight of God, now the Biblical Educational CounselingTM, which is the counseling upon
"Jewish Education for ChristTM,
rather than the Jewish Educational Counseling, is FREELY given only to a
born-again Christian to become salt and light in the World for the glory of
Jesus, the great name, upon personal appointment . But the counseled
's Offering
to God for this work as his/her privilege is gladly accepted. How to fish in
light of not only the Old Testament (limited to Jewish Education) but the New
Testament is counseled with expertise of education, e.g., how to know
your talent given by the Lord; How to develop your ability for a pariticular
aim (e.g. a subject-- Math, English....; a job....; case by case approach...)
Please note that every counseling should start from every counseled person who has the personal relationship - fellowship/communion/bondage - with the Lord by serving and seeking Him. Otherwise, the counseling would be futile, meaningless, or useless because without the Lord we would not do anything (John 15:5).