ONLINE WORD  for Global Crusade TM

Daily Bible Study from Expositional Sermon in 2025 by CCAH PRESS®

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God” (John 1:1).

Who can be against the Scripture ( LOGOS or the written word, i.e., the Scripture)?

Only Jesus



Manuscript(M); English MP3(E); Korean MP3(K);    YouTube (Y)




Nehemiah 10-11


"Sealed" M E K Y


Father, may You help us to walk closely with You—not just today or tomorrow, but every day of our lives. You call us to live in constant readiness, walking in expectancy, prepared for the glorious day of Your return. Your Word reminds us clearly: “Watch therefore, and be ye ready, for ye know not the day nor the hour wherein the Son of Man cometh.” So, Lord, we ask: keep us watchful, keep us ready, keep us steadfast. Bless each person here today. Strengthen their faith, fill their hearts with hope, and draw them ever nearer to You. May we be ready, Lord, and may we welcome You with joy when You come. Lord, thank you for everything and in everything and for Wayne & Lily's travel to South Korea safely, joyfully, and fruitfully, for Your glory. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.


2 Chronicles 22-23


"Jehoshabeath & Jehoiada" M E K Y


Father, we come before You with hearts full of gratitude, seeking Your presence and guidance in our lives. Lord, we ask that You bless us this week in a special way—fill our hearts with Your peace, our minds with Your wisdom, and our souls with Your love. Strengthen us, O God, as we walk through a world filled with trials and temptations. Keep our hearts pure and holy before You. Let Your Holy Spirit lead us in righteousness, that we may grow in love, faith, and obedience to Your will. Surround us with Your protection, O Lord, and shield us from the darkness of this age. Help us to stand firm in our faith, shining Your light in the midst of an evil and corrupt generation. May we walk closer to You each day, growing in our commitment to Your Word and Your kingdom. Let our lives be a testimony of Your grace, mercy, and power.We surrender all to You, Father. Lead us, guide us, and use us, especially Wayne & Lily's travel to South Korea safely, joyfully, and fruitfully, for Your gory. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.


1 Chronicles 23:1-32


"Gershon, Kohath, & Merari" M E K Y


Father, thank you for everything. Lead Wayne & Lily to travel safely, joyfully, and fruitfully in South Korea for Your glory. Lord, help us that we might, as David, with a perfect heart, and a willing heart, offer ourselves to You. That You Lord, might take what we are, and what we have, and use it as you see fit, for the glory of Your name. Lord, we recognize that You’ve been good to us, and all that we have, really belongs to You. We cannot give to You but what it isn’t Yours anyhow, so help us Lord, to use wisely, those things that You’ve entrusted in our care. May we lay up our treasures in heaven. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.


2 Kings 20-21


"Hezekiah & Manasseh" M E K Y


Father, it’s solemn, it’s serious, the sins of the nation, as we look Lord, at the downward spiral. We see the abominations that are taking place within the United States today. Lord our hearts are sick, when we see how people have defiled Your name. Rebelled against Your law. Have sought to put You out of the public consciousness, so that they can do these things without any feelings of guilt or remorse. So they can abort all of these children, without any pangs of conscience. So they can live immoral lifestyles, without feeling guilty. Lord we see that You’ve already begun Your judgement. For You are not mocked. We see Lord, how the pandemic viruses has begun to take it’s toll. We realize Lord, that the plague has already started within the land. Lord, help us, as Your people, to turn to You with all of our hearts. For we know that when the judgements of the Lord are in the land, it will cause His people to turn to righteousness. Lord, being Your people, help us that we will turn to righteousness. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.


1 Kings 19:1-21


"A Still Small Voice" M E K Y


Father, as we quiet our hearts before You, we long to hear Your still, small voice. Search us, Lord, and reveal to us the purpose for which You have placed us here. What are we doing for You, Father? Are we merely speaking words, or are we truly serving You with our lives? Forgive us, Lord, if we have been idle or self-focused. Stir within us a passion to be doers of Your Word and not hearers only. May Your Spirit examine our hearts, cleanse us of complacency, and lead us into the work You have prepared for us. Open our ears to hear Your calling, and give us the courage and obedience to follow where You send us. This week, Father, we trust that You have a purpose for each of us. Help us to listen attentively to Your guidance and to step forward in faith. May our actions bring glory to Your name and advance Your kingdom on earth. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.


2 Samuel 18:1-33


"Absalom's Death" M E K Y


Father, be with us, as we begin another week. Lord strengthen us by the presence and the power of Your working in our life. Guide us in each of the decisions that we’ll be maki Lord, draw us closer to You, that we might experience more fully, that love, that deep unfailing love. That love that You demonstrated for us in sending Your only Son to die in our stead. Father, let’s walk in Your love, that we might be filled with Your Spirit and we may be alight shining in this dark word, bringing hope unto others. The hope of a coming kingdom. A kingdom of righteousness an peace and joy, ruled by our King Jesus. Lord, bless us and make us a true and faithful witness to Christ, of Agape love to others, for Jesus’ sake. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.


1 Samuel 17:1-58


"David & Goliath" M E K Y


Father, we thank You for this opportunity of studying the Word that we might learn and grow thereby. And LORD, we so appreciate Your grace towards us. We thank you, God, that we can put our trust and our confidence in You. And though we’re faced with giants, though there are frightening giants before us, LORD, we thank You that You are on our side. “And if God is for us, who can be against us?” And so, LORD, help us to realize that the battle is the LORD’s, and to Him belongs the victory. And He shall cause us to triumph over every giant, over every foe, over every problem; and we shall come forth victorious in the power of the name of Jesus. LORD, too long the enemy has held us down, too long has the enemy tried to keep us in defeat. In the name of our LORD, we shall rise and we shall be victorious. We thank You, LORD, the battle is Yours: and You go before us, and You cause the enemies, the giants, to fall before us that we might experience Your victory. Thank You, Father. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.


Judges 1-2


"After Joshua's Death" M E K Y


Father, bless us, give us a glorious week as we walk in fellowship with You. Lord, lead us into victory over those areas of the flesh that have held away over our life for so long. Not to make a covenant with our flesh. Not to decide that we’re just going to have to live with certain characteristics of our flesh. Although we’ve been troubled for a long time through hard trials, let You lead us to walk fully after Your Spirit for the victory, and then we may have rich, abundant life that You want us to know as we walk in fellowship with Jesus. Lord, we may have a beautiful week, experiencing Your presence, Your love, Your power working in our life. In Jesus name we pray. Amen.


Deuteronomy 23-24


"A Bill of Divorcement" M E K Y


Father, help us in dealing with the issued of our flesh. To really come to that place of reckoning the old man to be dead, that we might be alive unto You, in the Spirit. That we might live the life that God intended us to have, a spiritual life. Spirit dominated life. A life where the Spirit is uppermost. A life of joy, and peace, and we may live, in Jesus Christ, with You ruling. Lord, Make no provisions for our flesh, not to make excuses for our flesh. Not to live after the flesh, that’s an empty, frustrated life. It’s not the life that You intended for us. The life of the flesh is disappointment. The life of the flesh is frustrating. The life of the flesh will bring us to death, but the life of the Spirit is the life that’s worth living. Lord, since we must be born again, we might live after the Spirit and fulfill the very purpose of our existence, as we live in communion and fellowship with You. Lord, help us to do so, through the power of Your Spirit, that You imparts to us this week, as we choose to walk with You. In Jesus name we pray. Amen.


Numbers 25-26


"The 2nd Census in the Wilderness" M E K Y


Father, be with us, watch over an keep us, and just much bless us. Continue to grow in our knowledge and understanding of You. Lord, let Your Spirit just move upon our heart and life this week, drawing us closer to You, and a greater commitment unto You. That we might experience the nearness and the fellowship of You, day by day. That we might have Your wisdom given to us in our time of need. That we might have Your power to stand against the temptations. That we might live this week, a life of victory, through Jesus Christ, more than conqueror through You, who loves us and who will keep us by Your grace. Father, be with us and bless us. In Jesus’ Name we pray, Amen.


Exodus 22-23


"False Report" M E K Y


Father, thank you for all and Your move to Peru Mission Trip from 5/21 to 5/29 to “teach all nations” according to Your great commission. Lord, bless us, keep us in Your love, fill us with Your Spirit, and cause us to walk in Your grace, as we commit our lives; and this year, to become Your instruments through which You might reach that needy world around us, as Your love overflows from us to touch their lives. In Jesus’ Name we pray, Amen.


Genesis 20-21


"Abraham & Abimelech" M E K Y


Father, thank you for this given New Year 2025. Lord, thank you that you are our shield and our exceedingly great reward. Thank you for your blessings beyond measure in sending Your Son, granting redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of our sins; choosing us and calling us and filling us with Your Spirit and sealing us with the Spirit of promise, making us Your heirs forever. In Jesus’ Name we pray, Amen.


Malachai 1-2


"Polluted Bread" M E K Y


Father, thank you for this coming New Year 2025. Lord, we thank You for your teaching about the end of the world age. Lord, thank You for all saints’ the privilege and the opportunity of being a part of the body of Christ. Thank You Lord for that which You’ve entrusted into our keeping. May we be diligent, may we be faithful, using that Lord which You have entrusted to us that it might be multiplied, that we might be able to lay at Your feet that which is Yours plus that which we’ve been able to gain through what You have given us. We love you, Lord. Come quickly. In Jesus’ Name we pray, Amen.


Matthew 1:23


"Christmas" M E K Y


Father, thank You for this beautiful story that always thrills our heart every time we read it. Every time we think about it. The story of Your love. Loving us so much that You sent Your only begotten Son. Born of the virgin Mary, crucified on the cross for our sins. Lord we pray that we’ll never lose that sense of awe and wonder as we read this story. And as we think of Your birth in the lowly stable, placed in the manger. But there lies the Son of God, the Savior, the Messiah, God in human flesh. O Lord, our hearts can hardly conceive but we bow and worship before You. Help us Lord that as we go out and we live in this world, that we might share as did the shepherds the things that we have seen and heard of the glory of God and the fulfillment of His promises. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen.