I wouldn't contend.

While the ebook.church was opened,

October 15, 2021

I wouldn't contend for our church. I would see Jesus' own church, all in all.

I wouldn't contend for our purpose. I would seek God's purpose.

I wouldn't contend for our wisdom. I would love even the foolishness of God.

I wouldn't contend for the exact budget by prayer requests. I would offer what I have to the Lord and pray Him to handle the issues.

I wouldn't contend for church increase by cajoling. I would willingly decrease so that He may increase.

I wouldn't contend for a select few of God's words in a popular message. I would deliver sincerely every word of God for His increase.

I wouldn't contend for a mega church to be. I would daily live by every divine word according to the Spirit.

I wouldn't contend how much amount is donated. Individually, the sincerity of the members' hearts would be discerned as how much portion of each member's expense is willingly dedicated to God.

I wouldn't contend how many members attend at once. I would nurture the daily fellowship of each member with Him.

I wouldn't contend for a gift, a ministry, or an operation. I would honor diverse gifts, ministries, and operations all directed by the same Spirit's working in all.

I wouldn't contend for our word, our voice, and our sight. I would savor His word, His voice, and His sight.

Whatever circumstances are contended for or not, I'd be content day by day through the sovereign Lord who strenghthens me to do all thing for His glory, eargerly awaiting His quick return.

"He must increase, but I must decrease" (John 3:30).

"Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will by no means pass away" (Matthew 24:35).